Jonathan Snead, MD FACOG is knowledgeable and skilled in all areas of obstetrics and gynecology which includes infertility. Some of the services he offers include:
Jonathan Snead, MD FACOG is knowledgeable and skilled in all areas of obstetrics and gynecology which includes infertility. Some of the services he offers include:
Well-Women exam for women of all ages
Infertility evaluation and treatment
Birth control options
Pap smears and yearly check-ups
Complete obstetrics care
Ultrasound – In-office 3-D ultrasounds
Tubal ligation
NovaSure® (controls heavy or irregular bleeding)
Laparoscopic surgeries
Robotic surgery
Treatment of post-menopausal symptoms
Lactation services
Childbirth education classes
Mirena IUD
And more...